
2021 Congress Virtual Annoucement

2021 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society
A  Virtual Experience

Dear SIRS Members, Colleagues, and Friends,

It has been an unprecedented time for many of us at work, at home, in research, and in healthcare. We hope you have all safely adapted to the challenges and we want to give you an update on the decision for the 2021 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS).

The 2021 Congress was scheduled for 17-21 April 2021 in Toronto, Canada but it is now clear that an in-person conference is not possible and even if it were possible there is much uncertainty about who would be able to attend. So, we have decided that we will have a Virtual Conference for the SIRS 2021 Congress. While we will miss seeing you all with the opportunities of in-person networking, we know that the decision to go virtual is the right one, and the safe one.

The good news is that the scientific community is rapidly learning how to deliver high-quality virtual meetings, and Parthenon Management Group, our capable organizers, has done this several times. We are confident that the conference will be an enriching, stimulating, and enjoyable experience for all. We also hope that this format will overcome some of the travel issues and we will deliver an interactive experience where friends can renew their acquaintances and scientific developments can take place.

We have put together an outstanding program that spans cutting-edge neuroscience to the latest in health services research. Our aspirational theme is getting ever closer to the integration of precision medicine into health services. We have a superb group of plenary speakers, spanning several nations, themes, and backgrounds. And we are looking forward to symposia and abstract submissions, due on Wednesday, 21 October 2020. See below for more symposia submission details and stay tuned for more information on submissions for oral/posters, honorific awards and Early Career Awards (formerly Travel Awards).

On behalf of SIRS Officers, Executive Board and 2021 Program Chairs, we are delighted to invite you to Toronto (virtually) this April, 2021 for the annual Congress of SIRS (and we do hope to see you in Toronto one day for another SIRS conference in person).

Warmest regards,

Dame Til Wykes, DBE, FMedSci, FAcSocSci, Ph.D.
SIRS PresidentAristotle Voineskos, FRCP(C), M.D., Ph.D.
Program Co-Chair

Neeltje Van Haren, Ph.D.
Program Co-Chair


The Program Committee is now requesting proposals for the following presentation:

- Symposium Deadline: 21 October 2020

Click here to see the call for proposals and the abstract submission categories and subcategories. Check back for registration details, poster/oral submissions, honorific award submissions and Early Career Award submissions coming in late August 2020!


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