
2024 President’s Award

Thomas Jamieson-Craig Named the 2024 President's Awardee

Thomas Jamieson Craig (Tom Craig) MD PhD FRCPsych: Emeritus Professor of Social Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College, London, Hon Consultant psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley Hospital and. Past President World Association of Social Psychiatry.
Post-graduate training in psychiatry in Nottingham UK and later as research fellow at Bedford College (London) and the Maudsley hospital. My first senior clinical academic post was with the United Medical & Dental Schools of Guys and St Thomas Hospitals later incorporated within King’s College London where I was appointed as professor in 1990. I also worked clinically as a consultant psychiatrist in the South London and Maudsley Foundation Trust since that time. I was the President of the World Association of Social Psychiatry 2013-16. My main areas of expertise are in health service development and evaluation including psychosocial interventions for psychosis. I retired in 2016 but continue an active research interest specifically focused on AVATAR therapy – a psychological treatment for auditory verbal hallucinations.

A Message from Merete Nordentoft

Tom is a pioneer. In all his professional career he has engaged himself in building services an interventions for the most disabled people suffering from schizophrenia. Tom qualified in medicine at the University of the West Indies and trained in psychiatry in Nottingham UK. He completed his PhD with George Brown and Tirril Harris at Bedford College, London and was appointed to Kings College London as the first UK Professor of Community Psychiatry in 1990. He worked clinically in South London where he led the closure and re-provision of a hospital asylum and the development of community mental health services. He served as a member of the NHS England clinical advisory and Health Policy Commission, was the mental health lead for the National Clinical Advisory Team, and lead of the South London and South East England Mental Health Research Network. He is an honorary fellow of the World Psychiatric Association, the European Association of Social Psychiatry and received the Royal College of Psychiatrists lifetime award for contributions to rehabilitation psychiatry. His clinical research focuses on developing and evaluating community-based psychiatric services and the promotion of these solutions at a National and International level. These programmes have included residential alternatives to the hospital asylum, studies of homeless mental health, specialised services for first episode psychosis and most recently, studies of AVATAR therapy for the treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations in psychosis.
Previous President's Awardees

2024 – Thomas Jamieson-Craig

2023 – Elyn Saks

2022 – David Harewood

2021 – Graham Boeckh Foundation

2020 – The Staglin Family

2019 – Carol Tamminga

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