2025 Congress Information
- The Congress will take place at the Hyatt Regency Chicago on East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
- Registration and Accommodation information will be available on or before 1 October 2024.
- The online Schedule of Events will be available in mid-November 2024.
Pharmaceutical Pipeline Submissions Close 15 January 2025
SIRS Congress FAQs
Are abstracts published in a journal?
No, abstracts are viewable in the online schedule. An electronic abstract book will be provided and posted to the SIRS website for archival purposes, https://schizophreniaresearchsociety.org/meetings/past-and-future-meetings/.
Does SIRS accept encore presentations?
While original data is preferred, encore presentations may be submitted for consideration.
Do I need to present in-person?
Yes, SIRS requires all participants to attend in person and will not accept virtual or recorded material.
What is SIRS' media embargo policy?
Any press release issued by a presenter, the presenter’s employer, or any other outside person or entity about a presentation scheduled for the SIRS Congress must be embargoed until the time and date of the presentation and should be clear that it is not sanctioned by SIRS; this policy includes any detail of the abstract and the title. This policy includes 'curtain raiser' press releases.
How do I update authors or add co-author(s) on my abstract?
The submission may be edited until the submission period closes.
Are drug trade names permitted in abstract submissions?
Brand and trade names are acceptable to include in abstracts.
Are published or unpublished oral/poster abstract submissions appropriate?
Recently completed studies, unpublished at the time of the Congress, are preferred and any in presswork must have a publication date after the closing day of the current Congress year.
How do I find a sponsor for my abstract?
No sponsor is required to submit an abstract to the SIRS Congress.
Are abstract submissions copywritten?
All materials submitted for presentation at the congress will be published in appropriate SIRS materials. Submissions should be original and not previously published. Following publication, authors may reuse their work with the sole requirements of full citation and link to the original publication online.
Disclaimer Statement
Information obtained via SIRS channels, including webinars, conferences, websites, etc., is intended for only information and research purposes. SIRS cannot be held liable for the information consumed and may not reflect the opinions of SIRS or its members. The content and information shared should be used at the discretion of the consumer.
How do I find a receipt to use for reimbursement of my registration?
Payments for abstracts or registrations are immediately emailed after the payment is made, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder first if the email is not received. If your payment email was not received, please email the SIRS Executive Office, info@schizophreniaresearchsociety.org.
SIRS Is a Carbon Offset Meeting

The SIRS Board has agreed to offset the carbon footprint for the 2024 Annual Congress for each attendee.
Should you have a disability and need special accommodations, please contact the SIRS Executive Office at info@schizophreniaresearchsociety.org or 001.615.324.2370.