
Abstract Submissions

2023 Congress Abstract Submissions

We are excited to invite you to participate in the 2023 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) to be held in Toronto, Canada on 11-15 May 2023. SIRS 2022 congress attracted over 1400 researchers from 47 countries. This year’s theme is Overcoming Global Diversity: Mind and Body Matter. See the abstract submission processes for Poster/Oral Presentations, Poster Awards, Symposium Guidelines, and Media Embargo Policy below.

The Program Committee is no longer requesting proposals for the following presentations:
Pharmaceutical Pipeline Deadline: CLOSED - was 18 January 2023
Late-Breaking Posters: CLOSED - was 8 February 2023
Symposium Deadline: CLOSED - was 26 October 2022

Oral/Poster Deadline: CLOSED - was 8 December 2022

The SIRS Program Committee and Program Chairs are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive program. We evaluate all reviewer assessments when making selections for submitted applications. The SIRS Program Chairs will ensure that inclusion of sex/gender and ethnicity, and geographic diversity are taken into consideration when evaluating. We also make selections that provide a program with diverse scientific topics. It is important that the Program Chairs weigh all of these factors to provide a program that appeals to a broad range of researchers and clinicians.


Symposium Guidelines - Submissions CLOSED

The deadline to submit was Wednesday, 26 October 2022

  • A Symposium is a moderately formal 2-hour session that includes an introduction, 4 presenters and 1 discussant.
  • Symposium proposals must include both the overall panel proposal, as well as the individual presenter abstracts. The panel chair is responsible for submitting the overall summary and each presenter is responsible for submitting their own individual abstract. Symposium chairs will have the opportunity to review the individual abstracts and finalize the submission.
  • Each of the 4 presentations lasts 15-20 minutes which allows for the 15-minute introductions and 20-25 minute discussion period.
  • The amount of symposia submissions by an individual is unlimited, but an individual cannot be listed for more than two total roles (chair, co-chair, presenter, or discussant) between accepted symposia and oral presentation. If sessions are selected where a participant is included more than twice, the participant will need to find a suitable replacement to be approved by the program chairs.
  • Symposium participants should include scientists and/or clinicians who are women, underrepresented minorities, and/or individuals with disabilities. In addition, symposia should attempt to include individuals who are at an early career stage.
    • An individual may not submit more than one symposium in the chair role.
    • The SIRS President and Congress Program Chairs/Co-Chairs cannot chair a symposium.
  • SIRS strongly supports diversity in the scientific topics of symposia and seeks symposia that address important understudied factors (e.g., sex- and gender-based analyses, vulnerabilities and treatment gaps for minority populations, etc.) in psychiatric neuroscience.
  • One co-chair per symposium is required. The co-chair can also be a presenter but not a discussant.
  • One discussant per symposium is required. The discussant cannot also be a presenter. This individual will lead the discussion with panelists and attendees the last twenty minutes of the symposium. NO formal presentation, slides, or other audio visuals are allowed for discussants; this rule will be strictly enforced.
  • Symposium sessions will be scheduled with the assumption that all speakers agree to be available on ALL days of the meeting.
  • Symposium participants should be from various institutions (preferably from different countries) so the meeting attendees get the benefit of cross-institutional collaboration. Proposals that have participants from only one institution should include a justification as to why this is necessary for the proposal. The Chair or Co-Chair may be asked to replace a speaker if the abstract submission includes two speakers from the same institution.
  • There is a limit of 16,200 characters for the text of your abstract submission. This includes title (200 characters), the overall abstract (3,200 characters) and speakers’ abstract (3,200 characters each), not counting spaces. No images will be accepted.
  • At the time of submission, all presenters, including the chair and co-chair must submit his/her disclosures. Submissions will not be reviewed without a completed disclosure.
  • All participants must upload a copy of their CV for accreditation purposes.
  • Each Symposium will be allotted $1000.00 USD to allocate to their participants, if accepted. Chairs will utilize this funding for their accepted symposia to allocate to participants that are an Early Career Researcher or who need additional funding. Instructions on the process and how to submit reimbursement receipts will be provided closer to the Congress dates.


Oral/Poster Presentation Guidelines - Submissions CLOSED

Submissions Closed - the deadline to submit was 8 December 2022

  •  Presentation abstracts should be structured as: Background, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Include as much actual data as possible.
  • Oral Presentations will last 10 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for discussion.
  • There is a limit of 3200 characters, not counting spaces, for the text of your abstract submission. No images, graphs, or tables will be accepted.
  • The presenter will be required to submit a COI disclosure statement at the time of the submission.
  • Submitters will be given the opportunity in the submission process to elect that if the oral presentation is not accepted, then the abstract may be considered for poster presentation.
  • Submissions by women and minorities are highly encouraged.


Poster Awards - Submissions CLOSED

The deadline to submit a poster/oral presentation was 8 December 2022. Poster awards will be presented during the 2023 Congress.


  • Young investigator (under the age of 40) by May 2023 or within five (5) years post-doc of your terminal degree, taking into account career breaks.
  • Posters submitted during the poster/oral presentation submission process must indicate they are eligible for the award to be considered by clicking the “poster awards” box during the submission in step 3.

Scoring Criteria:

  • Research of the highest quality
  • Novel Work
  • Large enough numbers of subjects
  • Likely to have a future impact
  • Novel and creative research
  • Research that is characterized by rigorous and innovative scientific methods

Pharmaceutical Pipeline - Submissions CLOSED

The timeline to submit a Pharmaceutical Pipleline was Wednesday, 16 November through Wednesday, 18 January 2023

The application will be submitted under “Pharmaceutical Pipeline” submission type. Pharmaceutical Pipeline submissions should include early clinical data (Phase 1 and 2) on compounds for which Phase 3 data has not been presented. The goal is to generate enthusiasm for the many novel compounds under exploration, most of which have not reached Phase 3. This is not to exclude presentations of clinical data on compounds currently in Phase 3 targeted to truly untested mechanisms, since such data would also be of great interest.

  • Pharmaceutical Pipeline submissions should be structured as: Background, Methods, Results and Discussion.
  • There is a limit of 3,200 characters, not counting spaces, for the text of your abstract submission. No images, graphs, or tables will be accepted.
  • Submissions by women and minorities are highly encouraged.
  • Accepted Pharmaceutical Pipeline Presentations are also offered the opportunity to present a poster presentation.

Late-Breaking Posters - Submissions CLOSED

The timeline to submit a Late-Breaking Poster was Wednesday, 25 January through Wednesday, 8 February 2023

- Presentation abstracts should be structured as: Background, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Include as much actual data as possible.

- There is a limit of 3200 characters, not counting spaces, for the text of your abstract
submission. No images, graphs, or tables will be accepted.

- The presenter will be required to submit a COI disclosure statement at the time of the

- Submissions by women and minorities are highly encouraged

Media Embargo Policy

Any press release issued by a presenter, the presenter’s employer, or any other outside person or entity about a presentation scheduled for the SIRS Annual Meeting must be embargoed until the time and date of the presentation and should be clear that it is not sanctioned by SIRS.  This includes any detail of the abstract and the title.

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